郑州火车站附近路牌现神翻译 专家:近半翻译错误

朱芸芸表示,根据英语翻译的一般原则,“road”首字母要大写,小写是错误的。同样作为“街道”一词的英文翻译“Street”,指示牌上也多次出现首字母小写的问题。例如德化步行街的英文翻译中“street”首字母就是小写,这也是不正确的。 纠错二 路名拼音“分分合合”各不同 ...

Road:从A到B的路都可以叫Road Street:城市里东西方向的街道 Avenue:林荫大道,或者是南北方向的街道 Plaza/Square:某个开阔空间(比如广场)周围的道路 Circle:圆形道路,通常围绕着公共空...

him, and he recalled the serious moment when his father placed him at the entrance of the two roads-one leading to a peaceful, sunny place, covered with flowers, fruits and resounding with soft, sweet songs;the other leading to a deep, dark cave, w...

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